Headquarters construction project Neusäß – July 2023 | Part I

03.07. – 31.07.2023

The facade is largely sealed – work on heating/cooling and ventilation system part 1

The stairwell is still covered by foil. Later, the light will enter the stairwell through a large glass cover.

Behind the building, a small annex is being built as storage for trash cans for clean trash separation, as well as a separate room for gardening tools, etc. The employees will also take care of the future garden area, which will be designed together with the employees.

The walls of the extension are bricked – but the roof was then concreted again (for fire protection reasons).

Most of the facade elements are already in place – but the many seals are still missing.

View from the top of the staircase.

The connection of the new warehouse to the old building is open except for an old wall element that still has to be removed. Then the old tar pavement still has to be broken out and a new floor slab created. Unfortunately, all of this is once again accompanied by quite a bit of noise pollution – but a lot of praise is due here to the employees of the construction company. Because they have always tried to carry out the noisy work after work hours in the office, if possible.