Headquarters construction project in Neusäß – Beginning of construction in July, 2022

Our headquarters in Neusäß gets ready for the future

After all our DICTATOR production facilities moved into new, modern buildings in the last few years, it is now our headquarters turn to get a new building. However, we will stay put.

The reason for the project is, on the one hand, that in the last few years we have continuously expanded our technical customer service in order to be able to offer our customers excellent service. On the other hand, the old building at the front is simply no longer sustainable from an environmental and energetic point of view, because for us at DICTATOR, too, a mindful approach to our environment is a key priority.

What was the result of the planning?

  1. A new ellipse-shaped glass building will be annexed to our rear building.
  2. The oldest part of the existing building at the front will be torn down when construction is complete. Part of it already fell victim to the demolition excavator before construction began, as the area where trucks used to load and unload is now occupied by the excavation pit.
  3. As soon as our annex is finished, we will first all move into the new building. Then, our back building will be completely renovated so that all the utilities, insulation, windows, etc. will be state of the art as well.

Estimated time frame for our project: about 2 years. In the second half of 2024, we should have completed the entire construction phase.

We have already moved forward with an important part of our construction planning. As early as the middle of this year, a photovoltaic system was installed on the roof of our back building. Together with a storage system, it already generates more than 50% of our electricity needs.

We are “privileged” to experience the construction at first hand. Very interesting, but sometimes also nerve-racking. 🙂 On this page you can take part in the construction progress comfortably and without noise.

More about the project

New production buildings in DICTATOR Berlin, DICTATOR Española und DICTATOR Productie

The photovoltaic system, which was purchased in time in February 2022, was installed on the roof of the rear building – and has been generating approx. 50% of our electricity consumption ever since.